Thursday, December 24, 2009

Azamku bukan mohd azam yer...

Sempena tahun baru maal hijrah and 2010 nih...aku berazam nak mengubah diri ku kepada yang lebih baik dan hebat...walaupun aku cuba untuk mengubah diriku,yang lebih baik aku percaya bisikan syaitan tidak akn henti2 di telinga ku...Namun,aku mesti kuat melawan semua tue..supaya aku menjada hamba Allah dan khalifah yang terhebat di atas muka bumi Allah s.w.t..Semoga Allah memberiku kekuatan dlm aku menempuh segala ujianNya..amin

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Isi hati Seorang Hamba kerdil

Alhamdulillah...sehingga hri ini dan saat ini aku masih lagi d beri peluang bernafas oleh Allah SWT..rase penuh kenikmatan yang tak terhingga sering ku kecapi..semua atas kehendak dan kurniaan Allah tuhan ku yg satu..acap kali aku berfikir Allah Maha segala galanya..kite ni sememgnya sgt kerdil..selama aku hidup,pelbagai ujian dan masalah yg ku hadapi..satu jer aku percaya..slagi Allah memberi ku ujian,itu bermakne Allah masih menyangi diri ku ini,,aku tetp bersyukur..walaupun kdg2 mslh tu tak mampu aku selesaikn.namun akhirnya,aku dapt menyelesaikannya..sekali lagi..aku ingin mengatakan..Allah ade lh segala-galanya..semuanya dtg dri Allah..kalo boleh rase nye,nk jer duduk slame nye ats sejadah beribadat pada ape kan daya..aku seorg yg kerdil..cume terdaya lakukan ape yg wajib yg Allah suruh jer..Allah pon minta kite mencari kejayaan dunia lebih2 lg kalo aku berjaya akhirat tp sebaliknya d dunia..maka aku hamba yang tak bergune..Namun aku skarg sedg berusha menggapai kejayaan dunia dan lebih2 lg akhirat..semoga Allah memberiku kesempatan serta kekuatan..amin..

Friday, July 10, 2009

This Is My PosiTion DuRing Study at UiTMJB

ThiS iS many i learn when i become "College Representative Council"..known as "JaWatankuAsa PerwaKilan kOlej of UiTMJB" hehe...My position as Chairman of "biRo Bina Insan"...unde my biro we cover about discipline,acadeMic,and also Islamic Learning...the was so many activities that we organize such as Ihya' Ramadhan, Additional Class for weak stuDent and also personel im only ex-JPK...huhu...there so many unforgetable memories and also sweet moments...diS is 1 of my ambition to active as many as possible involve in society or clubs..InsYaAllah, may Allah gve me good future Aminn...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

U KnoW Wat !!!

This is Wat Im Doing duriNg my Semester Holiday>>>>

Go to the Oil palm Farm evry day.,then cut down the oil palm,angKat and gather it at the platform....macam PetaNi ModeN tak???huhu.....this piC after i finish my father getting Old now, since im only the boy in my famly after my late brother passed away last year>>>SO, as a son i hve to help him all out...

This experience will burn up my spirit in order to success in my study...I always remember this...sweet>>>>

My parents Dunia AkhiraT>>>

THis is my beloVed Parents..the left one is my Mum, my BaPak at Center...then the puprle baju kurung is my stepmother>>>>without mereka, i will not write wat im saying jz now..budak kecik ni...anak sdare sayer...Bersyukurke hadrat Ilahi..
"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, ko ampunilah dosa kedua ibu dan bapa ku,.kau rahmati dan sayangiLAh mereka sebagaimana Mereka, mendidik dan menyayangi aku sejak aku di lahir kan lagi...muliakan lah Ibu bapa ku...temukan lah kami sekeluarge di dlm syurgamu yang snguh Indah..SesungguhNya Engkau Maha PEngampun lagi Maha Mengasihani..Amin ya Rabbal Alamin...semoga Engkau memakbulkan Doaku in...>>"

Monday, April 13, 2009

MoDuL 3 da BesT>>>>>>>

Hmm>>>>this is ur invention...namely
"Leisure MEGA Mall"......ha....nice or not our invention???we hve 2 present this model n by d way we enjoy during our presentation coz there so many argumentation with the clients...huhu.....very chalengging,,,,


There r my fenz...bakal-bakal CEO of own company....ha>>>>>>>which is me???
this pic after we finish our 5.30pm>>>>
ade gaya tak kitorg???

CoMment lah>>>>>

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Study WeeK n ModuL 2day...

Today is modul 3 for part with Pn, Izah far enjoy..
tp modul 3 ni so many work..imagine like we want to build new company and new invention..haha...u wanT to Know wat ur group create,,,Watch Out>>>>

Friday, April 10, 2009

My TarGet ResUlt for This SeM>>>hehehehe...

Im really want to mantain my cgpa so that i can annouce as receIver AnuGerah NAib CanSeloR, my tArget 4 thiS Sem Dis 2008 - April 2009 is::

QmT216 : A+
CtU241 : A
MgT269 : A
BeL311 : A
BaB101 : A
EcO211 : A-
HbU132 : A

G.P.A 3.90

C.G.P.A 3.85 AnUgeRah DeKAn

Try ur Best>>>>i know u can do it...Usaha+dOA+tAwakaL = KejayAAn DuNia N Akhirat !!!

ToDay Is TesT JPA3>>>

now 11am, im quite nervous for sitting paper JPA3 at 2pm so on...hahaha....InsyaAllah,,im try my best...nothing impsible...boleh2....xde hal lah,,,

MauliDur Rasul n DEKAN AWARD of UiTMJB

My faVourite n dearest LectureR..
MaDaM SuriaTy bte YusoF
Thanx 4 the Teachg>>>>
JasE mu Ku keNang till akhirat!!!
promise 2 coLLect This Award till part 6!!

My Scandall!!!opSS!!
My BEL lcturer lah>>>>>>
MisS D cUte..

UiTM jOhor Bahru CitY CAmpuS

haHa...this my HOSTEL???yup why do you not believe?? TerbayeKkkk...this is where i build my self as a humanbeing,,there is so many sweet memories during my Study...huhu..sad+happy+excited...wat else??can say by word!!hmm...ALhamdulillah...

Frenz 4ever>>>>>>>>D3B1 SeM Dis08-ApR09

My beLoved Frenz...try find which 1 me???huhu..
n which 1 is my besfrenz....
D3B1 are really superb!!!
frenz till Akhirat....
I Lov u Alls..

SaPer Niii???

This pic during ur JPK Tour>>>>
This is the mAchoo anger....haha...wat do u think???
which 1 more handsome???the answer in yours haha...